The Self-Soothing Survival Guide for Courageous Self-Advocacy

For recovering people-pleasers, guilt, self-doubt, fear, and shame pose some of the greatest obstacles to self-advocacy. These emotions can be so difficult that we’ll do anything to avoid them⁠—which often means playing small, staying silent, and never setting the boundaries we need to feel balanced, protected, and well.

When we begin standing up for ourselves after a lifetime of people-pleasing, difficult emotions⁠—“growing pains”—are inevitable. The solution is to build a new relationship to these feelings⁠: one grounded in presence, compassion, and a felt sense of safety instead of avoidance and fear.

In this innovative 2-hour workshop, you will learn a repertoire of strategies for reframing, practicing self-compassion toward, and regulating your nervous system through the difficult emotions that arise when setting boundaries. You will leave with a customized toolkit that you can use to combat guilt, shame, and fear so you can stand up for yourself with confidence.

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